Monday, December 17, 2018

What does 'Psychic' mean to you?

 PSYCHIC- "relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance."...that's the best definition, by far that I found online.

 PSYCHIC- "the ability to foretell the future with uncanny accuracy and inform people what lies ahead for finance, relationship and health and be 100% accurate with no mistakes whatsoever"...yep; I'm afraid that's the definition that some people have.

I have psychic abilities but I do not call myself a 'psychic' for a number of reasons.

Here's why...I don't focus just on giving a psychic reading...I give everything the Universe gives me and most importantly expectations of the second definition seems to come alive for some people.

What I tell everyone before I begin a reading is that for me...psychic abilities enable me to read the energy and vibrations on the path you're on.

It's also a reminder to us all that God gives us free will and that people, places and things on our path can's the mystery of the Universe.

It is a gift from God; make no mistake about it. 

But some gifts are clothed in mystery and uncertainty; and that's the beauty of psychic abilities.


Monday, December 10, 2018

Is it OK to Talk to the Dead?

Whenever we lose a loved one, we mourn, grieve, cry; etc. We move on the best that we can, remembering those who have gone before us. As time passes, we talk to our loved ones, gesture towards the sky in remembrance, (as most football players do), ask them for advice when we feel stuck, tell them how much we miss them, etc.

However, when people see that I'm a medium, and that I talk to people who have passed, all of a sudden, I'm a disciple of the devil. I'm treading on dangerous ground; sacred ground that religion deems a sin.

Again, we don't spend time attempting to understand metaphysical gifts such as mediumship...we reach a conclusion based on fear. We separate ourselves from those things we fear, attach a label to the gift and the person that has that gift and immediately dismiss them as somebody or someone to be feared or worse; shunned; ignored, isolated.

This has happened in my own church which I attend.
 I sit at the back because I know there are people several rows ahead of me that have talked about me and my gifts in a negative way and choose to not engage me in conversation so I choose just to sit there and worship God; Jesus, Mary; etc.

Gifts are meant to be shared not put in a box so people can feel at ease. When used correctly in a spiritual way, mediumship is a gift from God. Period.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Sacred Storms of God

We all know the story of Noah and the ark and the flood but more importantly the promise from God that He would never do that again.
Bur God never promised that storms in our life would never come.
There are internal storms and external storms and they all come for specific reasons.

Take a thunderstorm for example...why is it, that we are so captivated by them?
Why is it that when there's rain or a storm, we instantly feel like taking a nap or going to sleep?
Could it be that God is telling us it's going to be ok, even in the darkest times?

Could it be that when we go to sleep during a storm, that the rain is actually the Universe's way of chanting? Chanting soothes the soul and puts us in another place.
The thunder reminds us of God's awesomeness (not to be feared but admired) and the lightning reminds us to seek shelter, just as when we go through bad times to seek the shelter in a safe place, even if it's in our heart and soul.

Next time a storm is approaching; ask the Universe...ok...what are you trying to teach me?
The answer just might surprise you.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Time to Claim Your Baggage

In the readings that I've been honored to give to people; it is amazing that a feeling comes over me every time.
And that feeling is that my baggage that I carry with me, isn't as nearly as heavy as others.

A parent grieves over burying his or her child; questions go unanswered as people pass suddenly without warning; loved ones who grieve over a child, family member or friend who take their own life and so on.

It's time to realize that our baggage we carry is exactly that; our baggage and what we have to deal with isn't as nearly catastrophic as our neighbor's baggage; our co-workers baggage, our friends baggage and other family members baggage.

By claiming and owning our baggage, we can start to deal with it and move on with our lives to find peace and happiness...two things that Spirit stresses that we need in order to find more wisdom and knowledge and enlightenment.

This holiday season, be appreciative that the baggage you claim as your own, isn't as heavy as others.
Even if it's foggy and you have to dig through the weeds that life puts in front of you; be sure to claim your own baggage.
At the end of the day, you'll be thankful.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What Happens at 3 am?

So what happens at 3 am?
There are numerous explanations but there is one that definitely gives the best and most reasonable explanation and the one that Spirit has wanted me to pass on.

There is a veil between the physical world and the non-physical world. The Irish call it the Thin Veil and this veil is extremely thin around 3 am.

Perhaps it's always a good idea to say our prayers at night...give thanks for our blessings; talk to those loved ones who have passed and tell them how much we miss them and most of all say a prayer of protection.
I begin the day and end the day with a prayer of protection...I just simply give thanks for my gifts and my blessings in life and then ask to be protected by the light of God, the infinite and divine and to ensure no negative entities, energies or spirits come into the light.

This also ensures I have protection in my dreams and allows all of the downloads that the Universe wants to give to me.

Loved ones want to reach out and tell us that they are ok and it's when they have enough light or when the veil is thin, is when they reach out.

Embrace the other side for they have much to teach us in the way of the Universe.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Is it Time to Change the Way You Think?

Because of my metaphysical gifts I run across skeptics all the time; and that's ok, because I'm skeptical myself. I was just born that way as my analytical mind just naturally pushes back on things that are not of the physical world.

But to be honest, even that's an excuse that I conveniently use...I'm not as nearly analytical as I use to be, and that's because as I put on my metaphysical mind more and more, I see the results that the readings and messages I've been privileged to give take hold and have a healing effect on those who come to see me.

This would not have been possible, if I didn't open my mind to more possibilities. I had to radically change the way I think about the world, the universe, religion, spirituality, etc.

So, what's the worse that could happen if you changed the way you think? About all the topics that you have a definitive opinion on? What's the concern? What's the hold up? What's the fear?

Just for one day, consider looking at things from a completely different viewpoint and see what happens. There's a whole world of new information that is waiting for you to discover.

Is it time to create your own 'bizarre world' where you see things that go opposite of what you now to be true or what you were taught to be true?

This is how wisdom is obtained...not by the things you already know; but by discovering things that you once thought were not possible.
Do this for one day or even for a few won't regret it.


Monday, October 29, 2018

My Crusade for Black.

Black...the color that seems to represent darkness; evil, negativity; vampires, witches, cats, etc.
In the movies bad cowboys and villains were identified as wearing something black, especially hats.
Funny...the people who historically have worn black do not see it that way as all.

Johnny Cash wore black, not only because he liked the color; but because it rebelled against what he saw as injustices in the world, which was the poor, the homeless, the men and women who were in prison and had paid their dues but were left there anyway, etc.
At funerals. we wear black to pay respect for those loved ones we have lost and to mourn.

Priests wear black to represent the suffering in the world, especially the suffering of Jesus.

I was taught in elementary school that white was the presence of all color and back was the absence of all color...ironic, isn't it that black was the absence of all color, but for generations we were determined to call all people who were black, 'colored folks'.

And how do black people or people of color feel? I never thought much about it until I attended a conference this past September and heard from several impressive speakers who happen to be black how they grew up with this stigma attached to them. How they have heard all of their lives that white is good and black is bad.

Black...nighttime is black; but at nighttime is when we get our rest. Nighttime is when most of us talk to God. Nighttime is when we spend time with our families; a healing time for most of us. Nighttime is when we can decompress from the busy world and give thanks for all of the blessings we have been given.

It's ironic that in several of the mediumship circles I've been involved in, I've been told not to wear black because it's offensive but then the very next thing that happens is we dim the lights and are plunged into...darkness before we meditate.

I'm on a crusade for black. Join me and never be afraid of the dark again.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

God Has All the Answers

Recently, some folks responded to my metaphysical gifts by saying "no need for these gifts, because you only have to go to God for the answers".
"God will give you your answers". And of course all of this is true.

But what we sometimes fail to understand is that God does have all of the answers but that doesn't necessarily mean that He is going to give them to us.

How do we gain knowledge and wisdom and understanding? We gain these things through other people, through experiences, through healing, through books, through prayer, etc., etc., etc.

God does provide answers to us; but not by going to Him all the time directly; but through the gifts that we all possess as we help each other.

We're given free will for a reason and that reason is not to go to God for answers for everything.
If we did, how will we ever learn the lessons that we should all learn? And once we gain this knowledge, we then go teach it to others.

Jesus was a humble, simple, holy, but absolutely brilliant man...he didn't give answers to everyone; instead, he preached on topics that had underlying themes and told stories (parables) so people would understand more than just saying "yes", "no", "maybe" or "here's what you need to do."

Jesus wanted people to understand why rather than just taking an answer at face value, plus most of his parables had much deeper themes. That's where we gain spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

Yes God has all the answers...but He also has all the questions.
What parables will you share tomorrow in order to pass along your wisdom and knowledge?
Don't look to God for the answers, because you already have them.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Why Does God Allow Pain?

During the readings I've been honored to give; there are several themes that reappear throughout the in particular I would like to briefly talk about is...pain.

Pain is something that comes across so many times and rears it's ugly head in so many different forms.
There's not a week goes by that I don't encounter a loved one who has taken their own life or feels responsible for their own passing.

So why is there so much pain associated with people who have passed and why is there so much pain in the people who are left behind? What in the heck is God doing?

Doesn't God know that...we suffer? We hurt? We feel alone? We feel isolated? We feel no one cares?
I remember a reading that I did for a beautiful young lady (we will call her D) awhile back in which I gave her information about her two had some medical issues, which she validated and one was the comic of the group, which D also validated.

Just a short time later after the reading, the comic of the group, suddenly passes. Here one day, and gone the next; or so it seemed...the passing was really quick.

I look at readings such as this one and actually question God and ask..."what the hell? Why could I have not seen this coming?"
God's reply? "Jerry, you have a special gift, but everybody has special gifts and your gift does not entitle you to know everything. Your gift has manifested itself within you to help heal people...that's your calling."

That's all of our heal one another.
Think of it this order for healing to take place...we have to have pain and suffering in our lives. God allows pain to happen, the same way God allows healing to happen.
Pain and healing are connected like a brother and a sister.

Next time you feel pain; just wait, because even though it may take some time...healing is on the way.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

We're Made in the Image of...

You've heard the age old argument...conversation...discussion...we're made in the image and likeness and God.
So who is this God that we're made in the image of? Male? Female? Air? Earth? Ocean? Entity?

First...if God is a He...then we would all be males. Same with females...and so on, if we focus on the body, which we do most of the time.

Second, if God is straight then we would all be straight and heterosexual , which of course, we're not.

Third, if God is white, then we would all be white, which of course we're not.

So if we're all in agreement with the above statements, (and I'm sure we're all not) then we perhaps we should look at something different and deeper...something else.
Consider this for a moment...perhaps what is meant when we say, we're made in the image and likeness of God, that it is our soul...our Spirit...our essence that we're made in the image of.

Our Soul; our light; our energy is color blind,  gender blind, and only recognizes the light within us.
If we could only realize this; then perhaps we could unclench our fists and begin to understand those that are different than us.

Let's not let the sun set on these thoughts...let's begin today to embrace the light.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Turn Off, Tune Out, Drop In.

It's mind numbing; the noise and drama and negativity that has surrounded us for the past few decades. The noise is only getting louder and louder, threatening to completely drown out the Universe and any semblance of creativity and light and energy.

Why is that?
Negative voices are considerably more likely to feed 5 of our 7 basic human emotions.
Sadness, anger, contempt, disgust, fear. Negativity feeds those emotions.

In an obvious nod to the late Dr. Timothy Leary who once encouraged a young generation to "turn on, tune in, drop out", I thought I would offer an alternative suggestion.

Turn Off- The TV, radio, internet, social media...anything that occupies the sacred space around you that you are so desperately trying to find...we cannot listen when there's so much noise. We cannot navigate anything around us when the constant drum of noise fills our vortex.

Tune Out- All negativity for those voices are simply counterproductive and unnecessary for us to fulfill our mission and purpose in life.

Drop In- To the world of Spirit...the world of the Universe...the world of God. Open the door and gently close it behind you as you enter other dimensions and higher levels of consciousness as you obtain more and more wisdom and knowledge.

Relax; allow; trust. Now isn't that better? Don't you feel at peace? At home? And you didn't even have to experiment with drugs to get to this level...nice.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Lessons on Living from the Suicide Forest

On National Suicide Prevention Day...a chapter from my book.

I remember the day well. My youngest son was a sophomore in high school at the time.
He came home one day and said he wanted to purchase a bass pedal from one of his closest
friends at school. It was Christmas time and we agreed to purchase the bass pedal providing
agreed to let this purchase be one of his Christmas gifts.
He agreed and we gave him a check that was made out to his friend, Jay. Our son talked about what a great guy Jay was.
They were part of a circle of friends that hung out before school and at lunchtime.
That day however; isn’t the day I remember well. It was the next day that I will never forget.

I was down in South Florida at a meeting and at a break in the meeting I saw where my son had
called. I called him back and learned that Jay, had taken his own life. Like that; he was gone.
Suicide had claimed yet another victim and this time it was a 16 year old boy. Unreal.
Andrew was distraught and devastated and so was the entire school.

Whether or not it’s mental illness or depression or whatever, suicide rears its’ ugly head time and
time again. I believe suicide touches us all, which makes the next story even more incredible.

Located in the NW base of Mt Fuji lies Aokigahara, also known as the Suicide Forest.
Majority of people come to this forest to be alone with their thoughts as they contemplate life.
The irony is they mainly contemplate whether or not to end their life...some come to end their life
quickly in any number of ways and some come with their tents to be alone and think whether or not life is worth living; whether or not to carry on and whether or not anyone even cares if they live or die.
The good thing about seeing people in a tent, however does mean they have doubts whether or not they’re going to end their life.

They estimate that well over 500 people have taken their lives in the area in the Suicide Forest, also known as the Sea of Trees. Because of the denseness of the forest; you can barely hear any wind or see much sunlight. The silence is almost deafening and as one person who went into the forest just to hike said, his breath was like a roar. Because of the rich iron deposits in the base, cell phones and compasses do not work. Sounds of birds or any type of wildlife is eerily absent. Silence.
So, what can we learn from this place that has become, unfortunately one of the top areas in the world to come and end your life? Isn’t it a bit morbid to think that a place where so many have taken their own life can actually teach us a lesson or two on living?

The forest is beautiful so even in the darkest hours of someone's life, they are surrounded by the beauty of nature and God's creation and they are surrounded by silence which in itself is a blessing. Seems a bit macabre, I know but there is beauty in everything we touch and do in life.
In an effort to persuade people not to take their own life, there are signs placed by Japanese authorities to discourage suicide or thoughts of suicide. Some of these signs are to remind people that they are a gift and blessing to their family. In our lives, the Universe also puts signs and people in our lives to remind us of what a gift to others we have been and will continue to be if we so choose.

People go here to be alone but, in Aokigahara no one is truly alone. Even amongst hundreds who have felt isolated and alone; it's ironic that in their final moments, they chose a place of silence and isolation to be amongst others who felt as they did. No one is ever truly alone...God is with us; the Universe is with us...Spirit is with us...Jesus and Mary Blessed Mother are with us...and our Spirit Guides and teachers and angels from the highest realm are with us.

And finally, Japan has set up suicide patrols to go in and locate the tents where there is a glimmer of hope that dwells inside. These patrols mainly go in and just talk to the people and get them to think and see their life in a different light. 
That's what we're called to patrols for people who need us and be patrols for people who are lonely, and trust me we've all been there and we've all been the recipient of people on patrol who have at one time or another reached out to us when we've been down.
So; you'll never know how you will impact people in a positive way unless you try. Find your way in the forest and save'll never know when you will need that favor in return.

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Light of Likeness

We've often heard that we're made in the image and likeness of God; our creator. That seems to indicate that God has many forms, colors, genders and many shapes and sizes.
This of course, is our understanding that it is our bodies that we're talking about here and our sex, and so on.

But what if...just what if God, infinite intelligence, our creator, the Universe, Spirit...whatever name we give him (or her) isn't a body like us?

What if God is light? Energy? Vibrations? The source of all knowing and the source of all that there has been and that there will be? What then?

If we are to believe that God is light and if we are to believe that we're Spirit with a body and not the other way around...then what is made in the image of the creator if the creator doesn't have a human form?

It's our's our's our Higher Self and one could say our consciousness.
That's what is made in God's image...our light, our energy, our vibrations that we give off...that's what is made in His image. (I used His as just a reference point...not a gender)

The body becomes just a vessel or a temple that contains the light of our creator.
This light never dims, never goes out and will keep shining even after the vessel breaks down and becomes grounded on the shore.

If we start looking at people as light and energy and Spirit instead of black, brown, white, etc....then maybe we can look at accepting people for what they are...a beautiful soul created by God.


Monday, August 27, 2018

The Parable of the Gated Community

There once was a man whose words and actions were so sacred, that he was revered throughout the land. He told his people to follow him, so follow him they did.

He said do good deeds and pray to God for forgiveness for doing bad deeds and they did.
The man said that all the people were made in the image and likeness of God.

He said, love your neighbor as your self...and proclaimed that he talked to God on a regular basis.
This man was a simple man full of wisdom and knowledge and encouraged others to not judge so harshly, but to look inward first at their own lives before considering to condemn others.

The man talked about a beautiful place that had gates and that a place would be prepared for them.

But many people had questions for this man, as some followed him and some didn't.
Some indicated that since they didn't follow his every move, they wouldn't be allowed into the gates.
Some like the Jewish...the Native Americans; and so on.

This man said; "that's foolish...for the place where my father lives is NOT a gated community reserved for the precious and privileged few...all are welcome in my fathers house". (thank you JB)

But then some pointed to the gays and said; they are sinful...surely they cannot come into the gates??? The man said, "where there are two gathered in my name, there I am in their midst."

"And where I am, my father is also."

And so it was and is today...or is it?

Monday, August 20, 2018

Forgiveness is moving on...right?

Forgiveness...the very word conjures up pain, sorrow, anger, bitterness, remorse, regrets...etc.
I have heard too many times during the readings that I give, that people find it hard to forgive someone who has passed that had hurt them deeply but feel they must in order to move on with their life.

Nothing could be further from the truth...let me explain. The catchy phrase seems to be, "I will forgive, but not forget". Really? Then if that memory lingers and conjures up painful memories of what that person or persons did to us; have we really forgiven them?

To wipe our memories clean of any pains that people have inflected on us is almost impossible.
So...can forgiving others helpful? Healthy? Of course...forgiving others releases a lot of hurt that otherwise can fester and grow within us.
If we forgive others, we can move on...right? yes of course, but only if the mind and the heart are in the right place...not because others told you to or because you have a checklist in your mind and forgiving others will put a check in that particular box.

There are other ways to move on with your life...forgiveness, when done correctly, is but one of them. Sometimes, we just have to bury the past and say to ourselves, "I cannot at this time forgive that person, but I'm going to do my best to bury the past and those memories and move on with my life."

You don't have to forgive in order to move on...but you don' have to be bitter either.
As I tell my clients often...bury the past but don't reach for the shovel. There are times to forgive and there are times to search for another way to move on
...with guidance from the Universe, you will find a way. Peace.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Is Your Higher Self Grounded?

Your Higher Self...what exactly is it? Great question...your true self? your soul? your essence?

Whatever we may think it is, there's no doubt that we have one and that it is 'within us' even if it's somewhere above us connecting to the higher realms.

We go through our lives day in and day out, obeying all the rules, pleasing everyone that enters into our space and sleep walking almost motionless through the faceless crowds and the noisy drama that permeates at times every pore in our being.

Is there more to life than this? Surely, there is...and the answer is yes, there is.
Your Higher Self.
What is in us that needs to be unleashed in order for us to live out our purpose and mission?

Say hello to your Higher Self.  It is with you and knows what you're all about but more importantly knows what you're capable of.

It connects to the higher realms or higher me it's the part of us that just knows what good there is in all of us.
At some point today; acknowledge your Higher Self; and at some point slow down enough to get to know your Higher Self.

The conversation is long overdue.


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Checking the Boxes

We live our daily lives checking the boxes...or at least I know at times I do.

I go to mass like a good Catholic...check the box.
I read a post or page about racial divide and feel instantly like I'm more enlightened...check the box.
I contribute to someone in need because I'm such an awesome person...check the box.
I tell someone I'm going to pray for them...(which half the time I forget) check the box.
I say hi to Jesus or mention Buddha in a prayer to show how diverse I am...check the box.

The Universe has said to me on many an occasion; quit checking the boxes and start to learn how to transform your energy, your light, your love, yourself.

Going to mass or any place of worship should help to transform you.
Talking to people of different colors, back grounds, religions, should help to transform you.
Contributing to someone in need should help to transform you.
Praying for people, even when they do not ask for it, should help to transform you.
Telling Jesus, or Buddha or God or whatever source of light, energy and love that you talk to should help to transform you.

Throw away the pencil, quit checking the boxes and experience true transformation.

The Beauty of a Short Memory

Experts say that one of the greatest characteristics of a great basketball shooter is that they do not concentrate on how many shots they miss...just that they are going to keep shooting until the ball goes in the basket.

Critics say this can lead to a slump; but great shooters keep shooting until they shoot themselves out of a slump. They quickly forget about the last shot that they just missed and focus on the task ahead of getting the shots to fall.
And inevitably the shots do fall.

Psychic medium / clairvoyant readings are like that. A reading may not go 'according to plan' or live up to the persons (or myself) expectations but in cases like that it's best that the messages from the Universe just take time to resonate with the person receiving the reading.

In my case; it's best as the psychic medium / clairvoyant to have a short memory and discard the expectations and accept that the messages that have been received were from the highest and best and for our highest good.

Every reading I've ever been a part of; either as a participant or as the person performing the reading has always gone according to plan...the Universe's plan.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Predicting the Past

Having psychic abilities is a blessing and a's a blessing because it has helped and will continue to help so many people.
It's a curse because so many people want to know exactly what is going to happen in the future.
And that's not how metaphysical gifts work.
That's not how Spirit works...that's not how the Universe works...and that's not how God works.

Nowhere in the definition of the word psychic is the word future. There are however, words such as telepathy and clairvoyance.

Psychic abilities simply means to me...(others may have a different viewpoint) receiving and reading energies and vibrations on the path that the person is on.
This means that the past is on that path.

The past is something we can learn from as long as we don't stay in class too long.
We need to learn the lessons and move on.
Predictions come in many shapes and sizes and yes; the past can be predicted.

You see, we cannot accurately explain everything that happened in our past. That's where I and others like me come into play.
These metaphysical gifts allow us to look at and 'read' the past and see how certain events can influence and explain the present and possibly shape the  future.

Predicting the me; it can be done.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

It's Time for Re-Invention

It's you feel it? Time for a change...time for a course correction, time to quit just existing and make your mark in this world.
Time to leave a legacy, no matter how old you are or think you are.
At various times in our lives; we are encouraged to change the path we are on and start anew.

Why? Because just like layers of an onion that we peel back; our lives are layers, that need to be peeled back in order for the energy and vibrations to continue to reach higher levels.

Sometimes we're called to peel back more than just one layer in order to expose ourselves to our true mission and purpose in life. This is what our Higher Self calls us to do.

At times, we need to make a radical and disruptive change in our mindset and on our path as we go about the task of re-inventing ourselves into the image of the creator.

It's risky; it can be viewed as dangerous; but we're called to take this chance to not only enrich our lives but also those around us.

I re-invented myself several years ago to accept myself as someone who needed to have a drastic change in my life and also as someone who needed to tear down the walls around me, to let the light in.
These walls had not served any purpose that I can  think of, other than to give me excuses as to not taking that leap of faith.

I've never been the same since then and haven't regretted one moment.
Don't just dream; do.
You'll never be the same again...and that's a good thing.



Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Power of "hmmm..".

I recently go into a verbal sparring match with two people that I didn't know.
One was in another country and the other one was on the West Coast and of course; it was on Facebook.

The discussion was brutal at times as I found myself defending my 'whiteness' in terms of white privilege, whites don't understand people of color, etc. I became so enraged at times that I couldn't think straight.

I became defensive quickly defending myself and going on a long history of how I was brought up and how much I suffered and how much I try to understand.

I didn't agree with what they were saying...then it dawned on me even after they told me over and over again; "it's not about your's about ours". And they were right.

When people engage us in conversation we immediately put them in one of only two boxes...either we agree or don't agree. And the beauty of it all is that neither one of these two beautiful women were asking me to agree with them.

They just kept saying, "you don't get it." And they were right.

You see; we first have to listen in order to understand another point of view and like so many times; I was too busy preparing my response to what I felt was an attack.
And the reason I felt attacked, was because maybe; just maybe, I knew very well of the struggles  they were talking about.

During the readings that I give, the Universe never asks me to agree or disagree with the information that I'm receiving...just to allow the information to flow through me and trust that when I give the information to people sitting across from me; or on the phone, that it is the right information for their best and highest good.

Sometimes...instead of agreeing or disagreeing; perhaps its' best to just go "hmmm" and soak in what the other person is saying. Pause and reflect and allow and trust.
You'll be the wiser for it.   Hmmm….


Monday, June 25, 2018

Is Your Space Sacred?

During the readings that I give; there are a few themes that the Universe keeps bringing up.
First...we all want two things in life...PEACE & HAPPINESS.
So how do we achieve these two things in life that everyone needs and works hard to covet?

This brings me to point number two...we cannot achieve these two things in life until we carve out SPACE & TIME out of our life and our daily routine.

This brings me to point number order to achieve SPACE & TIME, we need to set BOUNDARIES and set in place PERMISSION.

We need to set boundaries and not give those that will hurt us and do us wrong, permission to enter into our sacred space.

Your space IS SACRED...the Universe wants you to treat it as such. Your space is exactly that...your space.'
We need to learn that in order to treat our space as sacred; we need to bless our space...pray in our space; meditate in our space; speak to those who have passed in our space; reach out to angels in our space; give thanks to those we cherish in our space; receive our hugs from Jesus in our space, receive compassion from Mary in our space, learn wisdom from Buddha in our space...and learn from our teachers and Spirit guides in our space.

No one has the right to navigate your space other than you.
Now that you have sacred space...what are you going to do with it?
No time like the present.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

When We Stand on Ceremony, We Fall on Intent's something that we all need at various times in our lives...sometimes we need structure every day just to get by.
There's nothing wrong with structure at all; but sometimes too much of it, can cause us to lose our way.
Take ceremonies for example; which is the subject of this post.
Ceremonies at certain times are much needed for any number of very good reasons.

But there are times in which we absolutely stand on the ground of "this is the only way _________ (fill in the blank) can be done".
Or; "if you're not doing it this way; then you're doing it the wrong way."
Since I've been developing my gifts over the past several years, I've been involved with wonderful people in the metaphysical field.

I've also been involved with people who indicate that if you're not cleansing your house this way, then it's not clean...if you're not protecting yourself this certain way, then you're not protected... if someone passes; here's the correct way, step by step of reaching out to them.
It becomes a list of do's and don'ts.
Some cultures are very big in the metaphysical world of doing things a certain way because that's all they know. And there's nothing wrong with that as long as we recognize that our way may not be the best way.

I tell people all the time, that there's nothing wrong with doing things a certain way as long as the intent is there. The intent to help people on their path; to help connect people to loved ones; to help others move on with their lives, etc.
The intent is what is important.

So, when it comes to intentions; what are yours?
The Universe is waiting...

Monday, June 11, 2018

As long as there's a PULSE, there's a Heartbeat.

How does one move on from a personal tragedy?

How do we cope with tragedies and allow ourselves to move on?
I've lived in Orlando for over 30 years and I could have never imagined the horror that fell on June 12, 2016 at the PULSE nightclub.

Orlando had never experienced anything like it as a gunman opened fire and killed forty nine innocent souls and injured another fifty three.
It was a senseless tragedy and senseless loss of life. Innocent people were just dancing and having a good time. PULSE was not just a gay nightclub as the media reported; it was a place where gay, straight, bi...whatever came to party and dance the night away in what was once a safe place.

A young lady in our neighborhood lost four of her best one night. Imagine that...we go through most of our lives and not lose even one of our best friends and she loses four in one night.

One of the most amazing sights however in the midst of this tragedy was seeing the nearly mile long lines of people waiting to give blood. Some lines were three hours long...and still the people waited in line to give.

Blood. The very thing we all need to survive; to keep our hearts pumping and our PULSE alive.

Blood for straight and gay alike; from friends and strangers, from Hispanic or not, from male and female, young and old.
Blood to give life and hope to the hopeless.
This is how you move on from a tragedy.

This city united like never before, all around a common goal; the respect for life and for our fellow human beings.

We are Spirit with a body...not the other way around.
We are Spirit, plain and simple.


Saturday, June 9, 2018

We Rent the Past, but Own the Present

The past is in the past and the more we try to connect to it or draw conclusions because of it it still remains the past.

Think of it this way...if you're driving a car, the road ahead of you is the future, the car you're in is the present, and in the rearview mirror is the past. can drive faster to get to the future in a more timely fashion; but the road ahead of you is still ahead of you and will remain ahead of you, no matter what because you're always looking or moving the future.

The past is in the rearview mirror.
Now you can put the vehicle in reverse and go backwards towards the past' but it's still going to be in the rearview mirror no matter what you do...because you cannot change the view behind you.
Certain points in the rearview mirror can bring you closer to them; but you still have a view in the mirror; and that's not going to change.

Which brings us to the present. That's a different animal altogether because you can change the course of where you're driving and therefore change or alter the path you're on.

That's where decisions come in. You can decide to change the path you're on.
Once you do that, you can decide where you want to go and how you're going to get there and with whom.
You are master of your own fate and never forget that.
Leave the past behind in the rearview mirror...that's where it belongs.

We rent the past much like a rental house or apartment that most of us have lived in one time or another in our lives.
We can dress up the bedroom, put new curtains up, or give it a good cleaning.
But at the end of the day; it's not ours to's someone else's property.

It's time to own the present; because that's where you are right now and that's something that no one can take away from you.
It's yours, so embrace it. For tomorrow is another day.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

In Our Darkest Hour, We See the Most Light

Darkness is often viewed as sinister and evil and I'm sure the fact that we cannot fully see everything around us, especially in front of us, plays a major part in how history and society looks at the dark.

If we stop and think about it for a moment; we see the most light when we're in total darkness and a pitch black place.

I've had addiction in my life...first growing up with one of my parents and then decades later with a family member.
For addicts to truly see the light of recovery, they have to hit rock bottom, where the darkness is.
That's when the Universe does it's own intervention and enlightenment starts to form and take shape.

In the readings that I've been honored to give, many a person has sat in front of me and it's apparent from the energy and vibrations that they have hit rock bottom.
They are in a dark place where they feel there is no hope.
They feel all alone and isolated from the world and from loved ones.

That's when Spirit shines the light of hope and recovery and most of
Next time you're in total darkness; embrace the lessons that it presents.
Sometimes darkness is only there so you can appreciate the light that is coming.

Remember...for there to be light; there has to be darkness.
How else, would we know that we are truly loved by the Universe?

Sunday, June 3, 2018

What if?

We all play the what if life; it's one of our best games to play.

It normally comes down to three; covet and complain.

We compare ourselves with other people, sometimes even our best friends.
We say to ourselves, "if only we were more like that person, things would be better."
"Why is that person successful and I'm not?"
Why is it; that in order to feel better about ourselves, we start making comparisons; only to end up feeling worse?

We want and need what that person has. I have to have it and my life will not be complete until I get it. I want what I either do not have, or cannot have. Hmmm...our desire to have everything leaves us with a feeling of having nothing.
We feel the things missing in our lives are residing in our neighbors house next door.  I wonder if our neighbor or friend is feeling the same way?

I've compared myself to my friend, covet his or her possessions, and now that it seems like I'm not going to be like that person or at least have their possessions; I complain and assign blame.
God is normally the first one on the list followed closely by the Universe.
We cry out that the Universe is against us and God doesn't love us and that we will forever live out our lives in doom and despair.

The two things that we want the most cannot be obtained by comparing, coveting or complaining.
It's PEACE and HAPPINESS...for those things come from within.
The two things that will ensure we will, in all likelihood, live a very fruitful life.

So; the next time you start the what if game...pause to think about that person.
You just may find that they too are seeking something.
After all looks can be deceiving.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

My Life as a Messenger from the Universe

Every now and then I do a shameless plug for my new...(and only) book...CHANNELING THE MOTHERSHIP, MESSAGES FROM THE UNIVERSE.
It's been an adventure selling my first book...reminds me of the career I just retired from in sales. But what I miss most about my nearly 28 years with a major company; aren't the budgets, reports, conference calls and sales's the people.

But I have met a whole new universe for me and that's the beauty of this has introduced me to a new and beautiful group of people...the author, in most cases, the indie author who risks, money, resources, finances, reputation, career path...all on the line just to be able to tell a story.

Don't we all have a story to tell? After all, we're all storytellers in one sense or another.

And that's what I love about being a messenger from the universe...I receive as much as I give and that's the beauty, because in the end, aren't we all supposed to be connected?

Here's the link to purchase my book...shamelessly, it's my's yours?

Navigating Our Sacred Space's a precious commodity that we...a) all have  b) get upset when someone invades it; c)
constantly ask for more and d) don't seem to mind when we invade others space.

When it comes to space, borders and boundaries are what is needed at times within our space...not just to keep people out; but sometimes just to keep us in when we feel that need to isolate ourselves and go within.

Our sacred space however, is something entirely different. Sacred space is not so much physical as it is dimensional. It's a place where we can go and breathe; breathe in different air...different sense of belonging, different idea of who we are as a person and more importantly who we are as a spirit and being of light.

Different consciousness levels and sacred spaces exist in this world and other worlds and the only to explore them is to first learn how to navigate them...we must have some sense of how to navigate before we can explore.
Sacred space is all around us; but in order to recognize this space, we must lose ourselves.
Think of going into a forest...smell the air; feel the wind...listen to the silence and more importantly listen to God for God's love and light is most apparent in the forest or woods.

Enjoy your time in the forest...even if it's only in your mind.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

It's not a TV's Life.

When I give readings; whether they are of a psychic nature or a clairvoyant nature or a medium nature, I sometimes have to mention that my readings are not like the TV shows.

If you take the Long Island Medium, or Tyler Henry or John Edward, the three most popular mediums on TV, you will notice for the most part, that they get a lot of 'hits.'

'Hit's are what some would call validations. There's a reason for this of course and that is they only have so many minutes for them to showcase a 'success' or connection to someone's loved one who has passed...that's the world of television.

Other mediums may disagree with me, and that's fine, but there are times when messages come through that do not resonate or people come through that the person I'm giving the reading to, has no idea who they are.

These messages and the memories of these people will manifest themselves later on another path just like our lives. People come in and out of our lives and sometimes we notice them and sometimes we don't.

Some messages are literal and some are symbolic; again just like life. Some people that come through do not identify themselves clearly enough for me to know who they are; and sometimes the information just isn't life.

I'm not superhuman; I'm human just like you and my readings are going to have,
on occasion some imperfection to them...just like life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Skin of Fear...

We often say, that we're complex people. Once you peel back layers upon layers, similar to an onion , we find the true meaning of who we are.

Our Higher Self, which is the incarnation of everything we are and will be, is in essence our True Self, as Richard Rohr teaches us.
When you possess metaphysical gifts such as the ones I and others like you have, the task seems to be to get to know our soul...our consciousness, our intuition and our Higher Self
When I ask the Universe for me to connect to people's Higher Self, sometimes the first 'layer' or 'skin' I encounter is FEAR.

Fear of losing our jobs, drama within families, losing a loved one, sickness, death, financial issues, fear of never finding my soul mate, etc....the list is endless.

Fear is a good thing because once we're in the classroom of Fear, it teaches us lessons that we can learn and use to better our lives.
But eventually Fear wants us to leave the classroom and apply the lessons that we've learned...and that's where we run into trouble; because we never want to leave the 'comfort' of Fear.
That's some Fear is a handy excuse to point fingers at and explain why things are the way that they are...we're just afraid and that's that.

Nonsense...Fear  will only hold onto you as long as you hold onto it. Don't you think it's time to let go and start living in enlightenment, instead of dying in fear?
You will never know unless you try...or; are you afraid?


Sunday, April 1, 2018

He is Risen...but have we?

It is Easter in the year 2018 and everywhere we see 'He is Risen...Alleluia'.
It is a time of glorious celebration...going to Mass...(yes...I'm still Catholic); Easter egg hunts; wearing our Sunday best...etc.

Whether you're a Christian; Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic...etc. Jesus remains one of the more powerful, inviting, uniting, spiritual, compassionate and at the same time, controversial figures in history.

Whatever our opinion of Him is; we cannot deny His ultimate act of sacrifice.
To give His life for another, whether it is one or many...Jesus acts of kindness, compassion and non-violent solution to problems of the day should serve as an inspiration to us all.

His love for children and his unique way of reaching out and embracing those that society deems unworthy and unacceptable is a lesson that we should all embrace.

He gave his life so others can experience love...tenderness...mercy...grace.
So, tomorrow is the Monday after Easter and what will we do?

Jesus does not want us to look up to Him...he wants us to rise and look Him in the eye and tell Him what we're going to do to serve our fellow woman and man.
And to tell Him; that we're willing to make our own sacrifices in order to make this a better world.
That's what he made His sacrifice for.

So; is it time to rise? it just another Monday?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Day in the Life of a Disciple of the Devil.

Recently a friend of mine was accused of being a disciple of the devil because of his beliefs.
My friend  tried to counter Bible verses that were thrown at him with a Bible verse of his own...1 Corinthians 12...(might want to look it up...)

So my friend proceeded to tell me what his daily routine was the following..
 * MORNING PRAYERS- Begins with thanks and prayers to God, the Universe, Spirit, Jesus, Mary Blessed Mother, Buddha, all religions, Archangels and Ascended Masters, Spirit guides and a prayer of protection from negative energies.

* MORNING MEDITATION- 30-45 minutes spent in silence so he can hear the voice of God.

* EVENING PRAYERS- Same as morning prayers with a thanks for his gifts and his blessings in life plus a desire to suppress his ego which can get in the way.

Also asking God to protect him from evil, dark, mischievous, and negative energies and spirits and extending that protection to include his and his wife's family, friends and loved ones.

Doesn't sound like a disciple of the devil to me. And my friend? I look forward to seeing him time I look in the mirror.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

When We Hear Nothing; We Hear Everything

As I write this, the year is 2018 and the noise is deafening and has been deafening for over a decade now.
The country I live in has become a nation that points fingers at problems instead of pointing fingers at solutions.
You see; when there's so much noise, no one can hear a solution or even think about a solution because of the volume.
I turn on the radio and the TV it's just more of the same.
People do not have conversations anymore because they're too busy screaming their opinions and forcing their thoughts down other peoples throats.
If ever there was a time to get away and spend some quiet time; it's now.

When we spend quiet time with ourselves; our Higher Self; our Soul, whatever we want to call that inner part of us that resides in Spirit.
That's when we hear our ancestors talking to us...that's when we hear our loved ones who have passed whispering advice in our ears...that's when we hear God tell us that it's going to be ok, but that we have to do our part.

When we hear nothing; we hear the wind and the trees speak to us; we hear the Universe chanting in the rain and we hear Angels chanting in the snow.

In short, we hear the Universe talking to us and at the end of the day,
isn't that worth the effort to hear nothing?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Why Do We Have to Know?

I've heard it a few times during some of the readings that I've been privileged to give.
"Jerry; I just have to know."
Why is it that we absolutely have to know what is going to happen?
Relationships that go issues that are going awry...finances that are not going the end of the day, it's called life.
What the Universe wants us to do is to help us on our us on our us re-calculate our path and plot a new path if need be.
The Universe will help set the table on an existing path or a new path; but will not give you every single little detail.
That's not how it works, because the Universe has work to do with us.
That's also not how psychic abilities's never intended to tell you how everything is going to work out in the future.
Life isn't like that and metaphysical gifts are not like that either.
During a reading I will give you everything that I'm getting as I'm channeling; but what Spirit will not allow me to do is to tell you what lies ahead every day of your life.
And for that I'm thankful.
Advice; yes; counsel; yes; suggestions; yes, challenges and opportunities; yes; potential new paths for you; yes. The rest of your life plotted's where you come in.


Monday, March 5, 2018

The Spiritual Lessons of Superman

Superman...that super hero who is, in the comic books, the strongest person in the world.
But there are some very real and spiritual lessons to be learned from the Man of Steel.

1) WEAKNESS- Everyone has a weakness and Superman's was left him vulnerable and weak...but he still persevered and remained strong. We all have weaknesses but at the end of the day, we have to stay strong and persevere.

2)  HOME- Like all of us at certain times in our lives, his planet was destroyed so he virtually could not go home...and he referenced his pain on this point time and time again. Only when we're separated from it, do we realize how precious home truly is.

3) FAMILY- His family sacrificed everything for him by sending him off before the planet exploded. Families sacrifice and that's what cements the bond between the living and the 'dead'.

4) SACRED SPACE- Superman had his sacred space in the Fortress of Solitude a place where he found solace. We all need a fortress of solitude in which we put up our walls and boundaries and do not give anyone permission to enter into our space that we need in order to communicate with the divine.

5) GIVING BACK- Superman helped people and that's what his main purpose and mission in life help those who cannot help themselves.

So...time to wash that cape that you've been wearing for so long.
After all, you're a superhero and the Universe has your back...time to soar.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

To the Victor; Goes the Victim

Sitting with my friend Rich, we discussed how people paint themselves as victims even when they aren't. He said people who live in a victims world, should try being a victor instead...or something to that effect. His point was well taken...victors instead of victims.

Don't get me wrong, there are victims to be sure. There are bullies who prey upon the weak and the innocent and the Universe will deal with them at a time and place that will be decided when the lesson needs to be taught.
Some lessons are gentle and some are not...the type of lesson is up to the individual's choosing whether they realize it or not.

It's amazing and inspiring to me that the folks that have passed that I'm privileged to channel have always sent a message of hope and love to their loved ones that are still here.
They want them to know that life is victorious in every way and our thoughts determine whether or not we're a victim or a victor.

To the victor; goes the victim mentality...far, far away. Just ask my friend Rich.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Intuition is the Voice of our Soul

Why is it we do not listen to our intuition…that inner voice…the voice of our soul that knows us better than anyone?
At the end of the day; do we take a few minutes to go over those opportunities in which we did not heed our inner voice and decided to go it alone?
So…let’s try this…it’s the end of the day and you’re decided to set aside 5-10 minutes.
·        First...LISTEN- just pick out a place somewhere…doesn’t have to be the rain forest of some far away country…just a place of quiet…begin with a short prayer to Spirit / God/ the Universe and just sit back and listen.
·         Second…CONTEMPLATE- on what you hear…even if you hear nothing…it’s still the Universe talking to you…trust me…you will hear something if that is your desire….sit back and reflect.
·        Third and last…COMPREHEND- or at least start to comprehend on what your intuition spoke to you about …you don’t have to figure it all out …even if you heard silence…silence can be a very good thing…start to think about what you heard...what does it mean? 5-10 minutes a day could reshape an important decision that you have to make. Only one way to find out...

Friday, February 23, 2018

What's Beyond the Rational Realm?

Analytical and structured minds like mine and millions of others do not comprehend what is it like to navigate the metaphysical world.
 It is a constant struggle to listen to what God, the Universe and Spirit has to say when the analytical and scientific mind struggles to allow the messages from the other side into the conversation.

Scientists for years have said that consciousness comes from the brain or the mind to co...a sort of 'bottom up' approach.

We know that consciousness does not come from the brain or the mind for that matter; it comes from the outside which is more of a 'top-down' approach.
It cannot be measured just like the soul of anyone or any one thing cannot be measured and that's where the world of science struggles to understand what it cannot put into a box to be studied.

The gifts of psychic, mediumship and clairvoyance are outside the mainstream of conventional thinking even though they are gifts from God. I'm here to testify that for someone so structured and analytical like myself has found a world of metaphysical wonders...a world where images and pictures come to me in order to help people on their path.

Where people who have passed come through to tell their loved ones, through me, that they're ok; no longer suffering and no longer in pain.
Where messages received from the Universe by connecting to our Higher Self(s) enable people to realize their full potential in life and thereby helping others on their path.

What's beyond the rational thinking? What's beyond what society tells you what role to play and how you should act? What's beyond the normal, mundane life that we're all told we must live?

Is there a world or dimension where there are no boundaries or borders to your imagination and no end to what you can accomplish? Only one way to find out...find your sacred space, sit back, close your eyes and buckle up.

Code Blue and the Dragonfly

 I spent eight months in the hospital finally getting a heart and kidney transplant in Jan. of 2020. The first 45-60 days I was in and out o...