Monday, June 25, 2018

Is Your Space Sacred?

During the readings that I give; there are a few themes that the Universe keeps bringing up.
First...we all want two things in life...PEACE & HAPPINESS.
So how do we achieve these two things in life that everyone needs and works hard to covet?

This brings me to point number two...we cannot achieve these two things in life until we carve out SPACE & TIME out of our life and our daily routine.

This brings me to point number order to achieve SPACE & TIME, we need to set BOUNDARIES and set in place PERMISSION.

We need to set boundaries and not give those that will hurt us and do us wrong, permission to enter into our sacred space.

Your space IS SACRED...the Universe wants you to treat it as such. Your space is exactly that...your space.'
We need to learn that in order to treat our space as sacred; we need to bless our space...pray in our space; meditate in our space; speak to those who have passed in our space; reach out to angels in our space; give thanks to those we cherish in our space; receive our hugs from Jesus in our space, receive compassion from Mary in our space, learn wisdom from Buddha in our space...and learn from our teachers and Spirit guides in our space.

No one has the right to navigate your space other than you.
Now that you have sacred space...what are you going to do with it?
No time like the present.


Saturday, June 16, 2018

When We Stand on Ceremony, We Fall on Intent's something that we all need at various times in our lives...sometimes we need structure every day just to get by.
There's nothing wrong with structure at all; but sometimes too much of it, can cause us to lose our way.
Take ceremonies for example; which is the subject of this post.
Ceremonies at certain times are much needed for any number of very good reasons.

But there are times in which we absolutely stand on the ground of "this is the only way _________ (fill in the blank) can be done".
Or; "if you're not doing it this way; then you're doing it the wrong way."
Since I've been developing my gifts over the past several years, I've been involved with wonderful people in the metaphysical field.

I've also been involved with people who indicate that if you're not cleansing your house this way, then it's not clean...if you're not protecting yourself this certain way, then you're not protected... if someone passes; here's the correct way, step by step of reaching out to them.
It becomes a list of do's and don'ts.
Some cultures are very big in the metaphysical world of doing things a certain way because that's all they know. And there's nothing wrong with that as long as we recognize that our way may not be the best way.

I tell people all the time, that there's nothing wrong with doing things a certain way as long as the intent is there. The intent to help people on their path; to help connect people to loved ones; to help others move on with their lives, etc.
The intent is what is important.

So, when it comes to intentions; what are yours?
The Universe is waiting...

Monday, June 11, 2018

As long as there's a PULSE, there's a Heartbeat.

How does one move on from a personal tragedy?

How do we cope with tragedies and allow ourselves to move on?
I've lived in Orlando for over 30 years and I could have never imagined the horror that fell on June 12, 2016 at the PULSE nightclub.

Orlando had never experienced anything like it as a gunman opened fire and killed forty nine innocent souls and injured another fifty three.
It was a senseless tragedy and senseless loss of life. Innocent people were just dancing and having a good time. PULSE was not just a gay nightclub as the media reported; it was a place where gay, straight, bi...whatever came to party and dance the night away in what was once a safe place.

A young lady in our neighborhood lost four of her best one night. Imagine that...we go through most of our lives and not lose even one of our best friends and she loses four in one night.

One of the most amazing sights however in the midst of this tragedy was seeing the nearly mile long lines of people waiting to give blood. Some lines were three hours long...and still the people waited in line to give.

Blood. The very thing we all need to survive; to keep our hearts pumping and our PULSE alive.

Blood for straight and gay alike; from friends and strangers, from Hispanic or not, from male and female, young and old.
Blood to give life and hope to the hopeless.
This is how you move on from a tragedy.

This city united like never before, all around a common goal; the respect for life and for our fellow human beings.

We are Spirit with a body...not the other way around.
We are Spirit, plain and simple.


Saturday, June 9, 2018

We Rent the Past, but Own the Present

The past is in the past and the more we try to connect to it or draw conclusions because of it it still remains the past.

Think of it this way...if you're driving a car, the road ahead of you is the future, the car you're in is the present, and in the rearview mirror is the past. can drive faster to get to the future in a more timely fashion; but the road ahead of you is still ahead of you and will remain ahead of you, no matter what because you're always looking or moving the future.

The past is in the rearview mirror.
Now you can put the vehicle in reverse and go backwards towards the past' but it's still going to be in the rearview mirror no matter what you do...because you cannot change the view behind you.
Certain points in the rearview mirror can bring you closer to them; but you still have a view in the mirror; and that's not going to change.

Which brings us to the present. That's a different animal altogether because you can change the course of where you're driving and therefore change or alter the path you're on.

That's where decisions come in. You can decide to change the path you're on.
Once you do that, you can decide where you want to go and how you're going to get there and with whom.
You are master of your own fate and never forget that.
Leave the past behind in the rearview mirror...that's where it belongs.

We rent the past much like a rental house or apartment that most of us have lived in one time or another in our lives.
We can dress up the bedroom, put new curtains up, or give it a good cleaning.
But at the end of the day; it's not ours to's someone else's property.

It's time to own the present; because that's where you are right now and that's something that no one can take away from you.
It's yours, so embrace it. For tomorrow is another day.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

In Our Darkest Hour, We See the Most Light

Darkness is often viewed as sinister and evil and I'm sure the fact that we cannot fully see everything around us, especially in front of us, plays a major part in how history and society looks at the dark.

If we stop and think about it for a moment; we see the most light when we're in total darkness and a pitch black place.

I've had addiction in my life...first growing up with one of my parents and then decades later with a family member.
For addicts to truly see the light of recovery, they have to hit rock bottom, where the darkness is.
That's when the Universe does it's own intervention and enlightenment starts to form and take shape.

In the readings that I've been honored to give, many a person has sat in front of me and it's apparent from the energy and vibrations that they have hit rock bottom.
They are in a dark place where they feel there is no hope.
They feel all alone and isolated from the world and from loved ones.

That's when Spirit shines the light of hope and recovery and most of
Next time you're in total darkness; embrace the lessons that it presents.
Sometimes darkness is only there so you can appreciate the light that is coming.

Remember...for there to be light; there has to be darkness.
How else, would we know that we are truly loved by the Universe?

Sunday, June 3, 2018

What if?

We all play the what if life; it's one of our best games to play.

It normally comes down to three; covet and complain.

We compare ourselves with other people, sometimes even our best friends.
We say to ourselves, "if only we were more like that person, things would be better."
"Why is that person successful and I'm not?"
Why is it; that in order to feel better about ourselves, we start making comparisons; only to end up feeling worse?

We want and need what that person has. I have to have it and my life will not be complete until I get it. I want what I either do not have, or cannot have. Hmmm...our desire to have everything leaves us with a feeling of having nothing.
We feel the things missing in our lives are residing in our neighbors house next door.  I wonder if our neighbor or friend is feeling the same way?

I've compared myself to my friend, covet his or her possessions, and now that it seems like I'm not going to be like that person or at least have their possessions; I complain and assign blame.
God is normally the first one on the list followed closely by the Universe.
We cry out that the Universe is against us and God doesn't love us and that we will forever live out our lives in doom and despair.

The two things that we want the most cannot be obtained by comparing, coveting or complaining.
It's PEACE and HAPPINESS...for those things come from within.
The two things that will ensure we will, in all likelihood, live a very fruitful life.

So; the next time you start the what if game...pause to think about that person.
You just may find that they too are seeking something.
After all looks can be deceiving.


Code Blue and the Dragonfly

 I spent eight months in the hospital finally getting a heart and kidney transplant in Jan. of 2020. The first 45-60 days I was in and out o...