Sunday, June 3, 2018

What if?

We all play the what if life; it's one of our best games to play.

It normally comes down to three; covet and complain.

We compare ourselves with other people, sometimes even our best friends.
We say to ourselves, "if only we were more like that person, things would be better."
"Why is that person successful and I'm not?"
Why is it; that in order to feel better about ourselves, we start making comparisons; only to end up feeling worse?

We want and need what that person has. I have to have it and my life will not be complete until I get it. I want what I either do not have, or cannot have. Hmmm...our desire to have everything leaves us with a feeling of having nothing.
We feel the things missing in our lives are residing in our neighbors house next door.  I wonder if our neighbor or friend is feeling the same way?

I've compared myself to my friend, covet his or her possessions, and now that it seems like I'm not going to be like that person or at least have their possessions; I complain and assign blame.
God is normally the first one on the list followed closely by the Universe.
We cry out that the Universe is against us and God doesn't love us and that we will forever live out our lives in doom and despair.

The two things that we want the most cannot be obtained by comparing, coveting or complaining.
It's PEACE and HAPPINESS...for those things come from within.
The two things that will ensure we will, in all likelihood, live a very fruitful life.

So; the next time you start the what if game...pause to think about that person.
You just may find that they too are seeking something.
After all looks can be deceiving.


1 comment:

Code Blue and the Dragonfly

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