Saturday, July 14, 2018

It's Time for Re-Invention

It's you feel it? Time for a change...time for a course correction, time to quit just existing and make your mark in this world.
Time to leave a legacy, no matter how old you are or think you are.
At various times in our lives; we are encouraged to change the path we are on and start anew.

Why? Because just like layers of an onion that we peel back; our lives are layers, that need to be peeled back in order for the energy and vibrations to continue to reach higher levels.

Sometimes we're called to peel back more than just one layer in order to expose ourselves to our true mission and purpose in life. This is what our Higher Self calls us to do.

At times, we need to make a radical and disruptive change in our mindset and on our path as we go about the task of re-inventing ourselves into the image of the creator.

It's risky; it can be viewed as dangerous; but we're called to take this chance to not only enrich our lives but also those around us.

I re-invented myself several years ago to accept myself as someone who needed to have a drastic change in my life and also as someone who needed to tear down the walls around me, to let the light in.
These walls had not served any purpose that I can  think of, other than to give me excuses as to not taking that leap of faith.

I've never been the same since then and haven't regretted one moment.
Don't just dream; do.
You'll never be the same again...and that's a good thing.



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