Monday, December 17, 2018

What does 'Psychic' mean to you?

 PSYCHIC- "relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance."...that's the best definition, by far that I found online.

 PSYCHIC- "the ability to foretell the future with uncanny accuracy and inform people what lies ahead for finance, relationship and health and be 100% accurate with no mistakes whatsoever"...yep; I'm afraid that's the definition that some people have.

I have psychic abilities but I do not call myself a 'psychic' for a number of reasons.

Here's why...I don't focus just on giving a psychic reading...I give everything the Universe gives me and most importantly expectations of the second definition seems to come alive for some people.

What I tell everyone before I begin a reading is that for me...psychic abilities enable me to read the energy and vibrations on the path you're on.

It's also a reminder to us all that God gives us free will and that people, places and things on our path can's the mystery of the Universe.

It is a gift from God; make no mistake about it. 

But some gifts are clothed in mystery and uncertainty; and that's the beauty of psychic abilities.


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