Monday, August 27, 2018

The Parable of the Gated Community

There once was a man whose words and actions were so sacred, that he was revered throughout the land. He told his people to follow him, so follow him they did.

He said do good deeds and pray to God for forgiveness for doing bad deeds and they did.
The man said that all the people were made in the image and likeness of God.

He said, love your neighbor as your self...and proclaimed that he talked to God on a regular basis.
This man was a simple man full of wisdom and knowledge and encouraged others to not judge so harshly, but to look inward first at their own lives before considering to condemn others.

The man talked about a beautiful place that had gates and that a place would be prepared for them.

But many people had questions for this man, as some followed him and some didn't.
Some indicated that since they didn't follow his every move, they wouldn't be allowed into the gates.
Some like the Jewish...the Native Americans; and so on.

This man said; "that's foolish...for the place where my father lives is NOT a gated community reserved for the precious and privileged few...all are welcome in my fathers house". (thank you JB)

But then some pointed to the gays and said; they are sinful...surely they cannot come into the gates??? The man said, "where there are two gathered in my name, there I am in their midst."

"And where I am, my father is also."

And so it was and is today...or is it?

Monday, August 20, 2018

Forgiveness is moving on...right?

Forgiveness...the very word conjures up pain, sorrow, anger, bitterness, remorse, regrets...etc.
I have heard too many times during the readings that I give, that people find it hard to forgive someone who has passed that had hurt them deeply but feel they must in order to move on with their life.

Nothing could be further from the truth...let me explain. The catchy phrase seems to be, "I will forgive, but not forget". Really? Then if that memory lingers and conjures up painful memories of what that person or persons did to us; have we really forgiven them?

To wipe our memories clean of any pains that people have inflected on us is almost impossible.
So...can forgiving others helpful? Healthy? Of course...forgiving others releases a lot of hurt that otherwise can fester and grow within us.
If we forgive others, we can move on...right? yes of course, but only if the mind and the heart are in the right place...not because others told you to or because you have a checklist in your mind and forgiving others will put a check in that particular box.

There are other ways to move on with your life...forgiveness, when done correctly, is but one of them. Sometimes, we just have to bury the past and say to ourselves, "I cannot at this time forgive that person, but I'm going to do my best to bury the past and those memories and move on with my life."

You don't have to forgive in order to move on...but you don' have to be bitter either.
As I tell my clients often...bury the past but don't reach for the shovel. There are times to forgive and there are times to search for another way to move on
...with guidance from the Universe, you will find a way. Peace.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Is Your Higher Self Grounded?

Your Higher Self...what exactly is it? Great question...your true self? your soul? your essence?

Whatever we may think it is, there's no doubt that we have one and that it is 'within us' even if it's somewhere above us connecting to the higher realms.

We go through our lives day in and day out, obeying all the rules, pleasing everyone that enters into our space and sleep walking almost motionless through the faceless crowds and the noisy drama that permeates at times every pore in our being.

Is there more to life than this? Surely, there is...and the answer is yes, there is.
Your Higher Self.
What is in us that needs to be unleashed in order for us to live out our purpose and mission?

Say hello to your Higher Self.  It is with you and knows what you're all about but more importantly knows what you're capable of.

It connects to the higher realms or higher me it's the part of us that just knows what good there is in all of us.
At some point today; acknowledge your Higher Self; and at some point slow down enough to get to know your Higher Self.

The conversation is long overdue.


Code Blue and the Dragonfly

 I spent eight months in the hospital finally getting a heart and kidney transplant in Jan. of 2020. The first 45-60 days I was in and out o...