Monday, June 25, 2018

Is Your Space Sacred?

During the readings that I give; there are a few themes that the Universe keeps bringing up.
First...we all want two things in life...PEACE & HAPPINESS.
So how do we achieve these two things in life that everyone needs and works hard to covet?

This brings me to point number two...we cannot achieve these two things in life until we carve out SPACE & TIME out of our life and our daily routine.

This brings me to point number order to achieve SPACE & TIME, we need to set BOUNDARIES and set in place PERMISSION.

We need to set boundaries and not give those that will hurt us and do us wrong, permission to enter into our sacred space.

Your space IS SACRED...the Universe wants you to treat it as such. Your space is exactly that...your space.'
We need to learn that in order to treat our space as sacred; we need to bless our space...pray in our space; meditate in our space; speak to those who have passed in our space; reach out to angels in our space; give thanks to those we cherish in our space; receive our hugs from Jesus in our space, receive compassion from Mary in our space, learn wisdom from Buddha in our space...and learn from our teachers and Spirit guides in our space.

No one has the right to navigate your space other than you.
Now that you have sacred space...what are you going to do with it?
No time like the present.


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