Sunday, July 22, 2018

Checking the Boxes

We live our daily lives checking the boxes...or at least I know at times I do.

I go to mass like a good Catholic...check the box.
I read a post or page about racial divide and feel instantly like I'm more enlightened...check the box.
I contribute to someone in need because I'm such an awesome person...check the box.
I tell someone I'm going to pray for them...(which half the time I forget) check the box.
I say hi to Jesus or mention Buddha in a prayer to show how diverse I am...check the box.

The Universe has said to me on many an occasion; quit checking the boxes and start to learn how to transform your energy, your light, your love, yourself.

Going to mass or any place of worship should help to transform you.
Talking to people of different colors, back grounds, religions, should help to transform you.
Contributing to someone in need should help to transform you.
Praying for people, even when they do not ask for it, should help to transform you.
Telling Jesus, or Buddha or God or whatever source of light, energy and love that you talk to should help to transform you.

Throw away the pencil, quit checking the boxes and experience true transformation.

The Beauty of a Short Memory

Experts say that one of the greatest characteristics of a great basketball shooter is that they do not concentrate on how many shots they miss...just that they are going to keep shooting until the ball goes in the basket.

Critics say this can lead to a slump; but great shooters keep shooting until they shoot themselves out of a slump. They quickly forget about the last shot that they just missed and focus on the task ahead of getting the shots to fall.
And inevitably the shots do fall.

Psychic medium / clairvoyant readings are like that. A reading may not go 'according to plan' or live up to the persons (or myself) expectations but in cases like that it's best that the messages from the Universe just take time to resonate with the person receiving the reading.

In my case; it's best as the psychic medium / clairvoyant to have a short memory and discard the expectations and accept that the messages that have been received were from the highest and best and for our highest good.

Every reading I've ever been a part of; either as a participant or as the person performing the reading has always gone according to plan...the Universe's plan.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Predicting the Past

Having psychic abilities is a blessing and a's a blessing because it has helped and will continue to help so many people.
It's a curse because so many people want to know exactly what is going to happen in the future.
And that's not how metaphysical gifts work.
That's not how Spirit works...that's not how the Universe works...and that's not how God works.

Nowhere in the definition of the word psychic is the word future. There are however, words such as telepathy and clairvoyance.

Psychic abilities simply means to me...(others may have a different viewpoint) receiving and reading energies and vibrations on the path that the person is on.
This means that the past is on that path.

The past is something we can learn from as long as we don't stay in class too long.
We need to learn the lessons and move on.
Predictions come in many shapes and sizes and yes; the past can be predicted.

You see, we cannot accurately explain everything that happened in our past. That's where I and others like me come into play.
These metaphysical gifts allow us to look at and 'read' the past and see how certain events can influence and explain the present and possibly shape the  future.

Predicting the me; it can be done.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

It's Time for Re-Invention

It's you feel it? Time for a change...time for a course correction, time to quit just existing and make your mark in this world.
Time to leave a legacy, no matter how old you are or think you are.
At various times in our lives; we are encouraged to change the path we are on and start anew.

Why? Because just like layers of an onion that we peel back; our lives are layers, that need to be peeled back in order for the energy and vibrations to continue to reach higher levels.

Sometimes we're called to peel back more than just one layer in order to expose ourselves to our true mission and purpose in life. This is what our Higher Self calls us to do.

At times, we need to make a radical and disruptive change in our mindset and on our path as we go about the task of re-inventing ourselves into the image of the creator.

It's risky; it can be viewed as dangerous; but we're called to take this chance to not only enrich our lives but also those around us.

I re-invented myself several years ago to accept myself as someone who needed to have a drastic change in my life and also as someone who needed to tear down the walls around me, to let the light in.
These walls had not served any purpose that I can  think of, other than to give me excuses as to not taking that leap of faith.

I've never been the same since then and haven't regretted one moment.
Don't just dream; do.
You'll never be the same again...and that's a good thing.



Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Power of "hmmm..".

I recently go into a verbal sparring match with two people that I didn't know.
One was in another country and the other one was on the West Coast and of course; it was on Facebook.

The discussion was brutal at times as I found myself defending my 'whiteness' in terms of white privilege, whites don't understand people of color, etc. I became so enraged at times that I couldn't think straight.

I became defensive quickly defending myself and going on a long history of how I was brought up and how much I suffered and how much I try to understand.

I didn't agree with what they were saying...then it dawned on me even after they told me over and over again; "it's not about your's about ours". And they were right.

When people engage us in conversation we immediately put them in one of only two boxes...either we agree or don't agree. And the beauty of it all is that neither one of these two beautiful women were asking me to agree with them.

They just kept saying, "you don't get it." And they were right.

You see; we first have to listen in order to understand another point of view and like so many times; I was too busy preparing my response to what I felt was an attack.
And the reason I felt attacked, was because maybe; just maybe, I knew very well of the struggles  they were talking about.

During the readings that I give, the Universe never asks me to agree or disagree with the information that I'm receiving...just to allow the information to flow through me and trust that when I give the information to people sitting across from me; or on the phone, that it is the right information for their best and highest good.

Sometimes...instead of agreeing or disagreeing; perhaps its' best to just go "hmmm" and soak in what the other person is saying. Pause and reflect and allow and trust.
You'll be the wiser for it.   Hmmm….


Code Blue and the Dragonfly

 I spent eight months in the hospital finally getting a heart and kidney transplant in Jan. of 2020. The first 45-60 days I was in and out o...