Monday, August 16, 2021

What is a reading from a Clairvoyant, Medium, Psychic, all about? Part One- CLOSURE

 Readings are about several things, but I would like break the above question down to focus on what I call the Big Three. Here is part one...part two coming in two days and part three two days after that.

PART ONE-CLOSURE- We never know when a loved one is going to pass. We may know when the time is near but more often than not, we are completely caught off guard when they pass.

 Therefore questions remain unanswered. Did they want to leave this earth? Are they in heaven? Are they in hell? Did they hear me when I whispered to them on their 'death' bed? Why did they take their own life? Are they still mad at me? I'm sure a million more questions can be added to this short list. 

Communicating with a loved one who has passed is not treading on sacred ground as so many people think. It is a gift from God to give people some closure that maybe has troubled them for years and years. God, the Universe, and Spirit wants us to move on with our lives in order to find peace, happiness, and serenity.. After all; isn't that what we want at the end of the day?

 Part Two - CLARITY will be coming in two days.

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