Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Validation from our Higher Self

 In todays somewhat toxic climate everyone (including me) have strong opinions and feel a need to share them on social media about anything and everything in order to initiate one of two responses.

1) OBTAIN A VALIDATION- You agree with my point of view so you're with me. You're one of 'us'.

2) START AN ARGUMENT- You don't agree with me so therefore you're against me. You're one of 'them'

Why? Why do we need either of the above?

It's ironic that no.1 makes us feel better and no.2 makes us want to fight.

Neither one has long lasting effect on our soul.

Only validation we need is from our Higher Self that we're on the right path and we will be on that path as long as it's the path of love.

LOVE raises our vibrations that we need in order to ascend to higher levels of consciousness.

The Beatles were right...All You Need is Love.


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