Thursday, November 22, 2018

Time to Claim Your Baggage

In the readings that I've been honored to give to people; it is amazing that a feeling comes over me every time.
And that feeling is that my baggage that I carry with me, isn't as nearly as heavy as others.

A parent grieves over burying his or her child; questions go unanswered as people pass suddenly without warning; loved ones who grieve over a child, family member or friend who take their own life and so on.

It's time to realize that our baggage we carry is exactly that; our baggage and what we have to deal with isn't as nearly catastrophic as our neighbor's baggage; our co-workers baggage, our friends baggage and other family members baggage.

By claiming and owning our baggage, we can start to deal with it and move on with our lives to find peace and happiness...two things that Spirit stresses that we need in order to find more wisdom and knowledge and enlightenment.

This holiday season, be appreciative that the baggage you claim as your own, isn't as heavy as others.
Even if it's foggy and you have to dig through the weeds that life puts in front of you; be sure to claim your own baggage.
At the end of the day, you'll be thankful.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What Happens at 3 am?

So what happens at 3 am?
There are numerous explanations but there is one that definitely gives the best and most reasonable explanation and the one that Spirit has wanted me to pass on.

There is a veil between the physical world and the non-physical world. The Irish call it the Thin Veil and this veil is extremely thin around 3 am.

Perhaps it's always a good idea to say our prayers at night...give thanks for our blessings; talk to those loved ones who have passed and tell them how much we miss them and most of all say a prayer of protection.
I begin the day and end the day with a prayer of protection...I just simply give thanks for my gifts and my blessings in life and then ask to be protected by the light of God, the infinite and divine and to ensure no negative entities, energies or spirits come into the light.

This also ensures I have protection in my dreams and allows all of the downloads that the Universe wants to give to me.

Loved ones want to reach out and tell us that they are ok and it's when they have enough light or when the veil is thin, is when they reach out.

Embrace the other side for they have much to teach us in the way of the Universe.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Is it Time to Change the Way You Think?

Because of my metaphysical gifts I run across skeptics all the time; and that's ok, because I'm skeptical myself. I was just born that way as my analytical mind just naturally pushes back on things that are not of the physical world.

But to be honest, even that's an excuse that I conveniently use...I'm not as nearly analytical as I use to be, and that's because as I put on my metaphysical mind more and more, I see the results that the readings and messages I've been privileged to give take hold and have a healing effect on those who come to see me.

This would not have been possible, if I didn't open my mind to more possibilities. I had to radically change the way I think about the world, the universe, religion, spirituality, etc.

So, what's the worse that could happen if you changed the way you think? About all the topics that you have a definitive opinion on? What's the concern? What's the hold up? What's the fear?

Just for one day, consider looking at things from a completely different viewpoint and see what happens. There's a whole world of new information that is waiting for you to discover.

Is it time to create your own 'bizarre world' where you see things that go opposite of what you now to be true or what you were taught to be true?

This is how wisdom is obtained...not by the things you already know; but by discovering things that you once thought were not possible.
Do this for one day or even for a few won't regret it.


Code Blue and the Dragonfly

 I spent eight months in the hospital finally getting a heart and kidney transplant in Jan. of 2020. The first 45-60 days I was in and out o...