Monday, October 29, 2018

My Crusade for Black.

Black...the color that seems to represent darkness; evil, negativity; vampires, witches, cats, etc.
In the movies bad cowboys and villains were identified as wearing something black, especially hats.
Funny...the people who historically have worn black do not see it that way as all.

Johnny Cash wore black, not only because he liked the color; but because it rebelled against what he saw as injustices in the world, which was the poor, the homeless, the men and women who were in prison and had paid their dues but were left there anyway, etc.
At funerals. we wear black to pay respect for those loved ones we have lost and to mourn.

Priests wear black to represent the suffering in the world, especially the suffering of Jesus.

I was taught in elementary school that white was the presence of all color and back was the absence of all color...ironic, isn't it that black was the absence of all color, but for generations we were determined to call all people who were black, 'colored folks'.

And how do black people or people of color feel? I never thought much about it until I attended a conference this past September and heard from several impressive speakers who happen to be black how they grew up with this stigma attached to them. How they have heard all of their lives that white is good and black is bad.

Black...nighttime is black; but at nighttime is when we get our rest. Nighttime is when most of us talk to God. Nighttime is when we spend time with our families; a healing time for most of us. Nighttime is when we can decompress from the busy world and give thanks for all of the blessings we have been given.

It's ironic that in several of the mediumship circles I've been involved in, I've been told not to wear black because it's offensive but then the very next thing that happens is we dim the lights and are plunged into...darkness before we meditate.

I'm on a crusade for black. Join me and never be afraid of the dark again.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

God Has All the Answers

Recently, some folks responded to my metaphysical gifts by saying "no need for these gifts, because you only have to go to God for the answers".
"God will give you your answers". And of course all of this is true.

But what we sometimes fail to understand is that God does have all of the answers but that doesn't necessarily mean that He is going to give them to us.

How do we gain knowledge and wisdom and understanding? We gain these things through other people, through experiences, through healing, through books, through prayer, etc., etc., etc.

God does provide answers to us; but not by going to Him all the time directly; but through the gifts that we all possess as we help each other.

We're given free will for a reason and that reason is not to go to God for answers for everything.
If we did, how will we ever learn the lessons that we should all learn? And once we gain this knowledge, we then go teach it to others.

Jesus was a humble, simple, holy, but absolutely brilliant man...he didn't give answers to everyone; instead, he preached on topics that had underlying themes and told stories (parables) so people would understand more than just saying "yes", "no", "maybe" or "here's what you need to do."

Jesus wanted people to understand why rather than just taking an answer at face value, plus most of his parables had much deeper themes. That's where we gain spiritual knowledge and wisdom.

Yes God has all the answers...but He also has all the questions.
What parables will you share tomorrow in order to pass along your wisdom and knowledge?
Don't look to God for the answers, because you already have them.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Why Does God Allow Pain?

During the readings I've been honored to give; there are several themes that reappear throughout the in particular I would like to briefly talk about is...pain.

Pain is something that comes across so many times and rears it's ugly head in so many different forms.
There's not a week goes by that I don't encounter a loved one who has taken their own life or feels responsible for their own passing.

So why is there so much pain associated with people who have passed and why is there so much pain in the people who are left behind? What in the heck is God doing?

Doesn't God know that...we suffer? We hurt? We feel alone? We feel isolated? We feel no one cares?
I remember a reading that I did for a beautiful young lady (we will call her D) awhile back in which I gave her information about her two had some medical issues, which she validated and one was the comic of the group, which D also validated.

Just a short time later after the reading, the comic of the group, suddenly passes. Here one day, and gone the next; or so it seemed...the passing was really quick.

I look at readings such as this one and actually question God and ask..."what the hell? Why could I have not seen this coming?"
God's reply? "Jerry, you have a special gift, but everybody has special gifts and your gift does not entitle you to know everything. Your gift has manifested itself within you to help heal people...that's your calling."

That's all of our heal one another.
Think of it this order for healing to take place...we have to have pain and suffering in our lives. God allows pain to happen, the same way God allows healing to happen.
Pain and healing are connected like a brother and a sister.

Next time you feel pain; just wait, because even though it may take some time...healing is on the way.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

We're Made in the Image of...

You've heard the age old argument...conversation...discussion...we're made in the image and likeness and God.
So who is this God that we're made in the image of? Male? Female? Air? Earth? Ocean? Entity?

First...if God is a He...then we would all be males. Same with females...and so on, if we focus on the body, which we do most of the time.

Second, if God is straight then we would all be straight and heterosexual , which of course, we're not.

Third, if God is white, then we would all be white, which of course we're not.

So if we're all in agreement with the above statements, (and I'm sure we're all not) then we perhaps we should look at something different and deeper...something else.
Consider this for a moment...perhaps what is meant when we say, we're made in the image and likeness of God, that it is our soul...our Spirit...our essence that we're made in the image of.

Our Soul; our light; our energy is color blind,  gender blind, and only recognizes the light within us.
If we could only realize this; then perhaps we could unclench our fists and begin to understand those that are different than us.

Let's not let the sun set on these thoughts...let's begin today to embrace the light.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Turn Off, Tune Out, Drop In.

It's mind numbing; the noise and drama and negativity that has surrounded us for the past few decades. The noise is only getting louder and louder, threatening to completely drown out the Universe and any semblance of creativity and light and energy.

Why is that?
Negative voices are considerably more likely to feed 5 of our 7 basic human emotions.
Sadness, anger, contempt, disgust, fear. Negativity feeds those emotions.

In an obvious nod to the late Dr. Timothy Leary who once encouraged a young generation to "turn on, tune in, drop out", I thought I would offer an alternative suggestion.

Turn Off- The TV, radio, internet, social media...anything that occupies the sacred space around you that you are so desperately trying to find...we cannot listen when there's so much noise. We cannot navigate anything around us when the constant drum of noise fills our vortex.

Tune Out- All negativity for those voices are simply counterproductive and unnecessary for us to fulfill our mission and purpose in life.

Drop In- To the world of Spirit...the world of the Universe...the world of God. Open the door and gently close it behind you as you enter other dimensions and higher levels of consciousness as you obtain more and more wisdom and knowledge.

Relax; allow; trust. Now isn't that better? Don't you feel at peace? At home? And you didn't even have to experiment with drugs to get to this level...nice.

Code Blue and the Dragonfly

 I spent eight months in the hospital finally getting a heart and kidney transplant in Jan. of 2020. The first 45-60 days I was in and out o...